Tuesday, December 22, 2020

By Our Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia

THE Solstice occurred at 10:02 Universal Time Monday, and worshipers of Antinous in North and South America, Europe and Africa took part in Zoom ceremonies celebrating the Winter Solstice (for those in the Northern Hemisphere) and the Summer Solstice (for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

On this Sacred Night, We celebrate the triumphant return
Of the New Sun, Sol Invictus, Antinous-Mithras
May the reborn god of light cast away the darkness
That has weighed upon us over the course of this year.
May a new hope for the coming age be reborn this night
Father Saturn, who stands at the edge of the cosmos
Father of endless time, clockwork of the universe
We welcome the return your golden age...Ave Saturnalia!
We celebrate the return of the Capricorn Gods,
We praise the wild horned god
We praise both the lesser and the greater Pan.
We ask that Bacchus shall come forth within us
In his incarnate form of Antinous the Gay God,
May the semen of the first god be revealed within us
That we may become aware of our divine nature
On this sacred night of the winter solstice
We ask the blessing of the new born sun, 
The god of light, Sol Invictus!
Ave Antinous!

Behold, the Great Conjunction is at Hand
On this night we observe the miraculous event
Of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Perhaps one of the greatest astrological events
That any of us will experience in our lives.
Saturn was the edge of the cosmos to the ancient Greeks,
Beyond which was the Celestial Sphere 
Saturn is the god of the Clockwork of the Cosmos
The event which is taking place on this sacred night
Is a sign from Grandfather Saturn of his mystery and power
In our Antinoan symbolism, Saturn is represented by 
Emperor Trajan, the conqueror and adopted father of Hadrian
With whom he held a tumultuous relationship
Hadrian was helped to become ruler by Plotina,
Just as the Great Mother of the Gods helped her son Jupiter
Hadrian is Jupiter-Zeus, the ruler of the gods
The Great Conjunction is significant for four reasons
It is the closest the two planets have aligned in over 800 years
It is happening on the Winter Solstice
It is in alignment with Altair or the Constellation Antinous
It is happening just as Saturn is crossing over from Capricorn to Aquarius.  It would be an major event with only one of these aspects, but that all four come together makes this a very important event full of symbolism for us.
It is being called a Christmas Star in the media
Because it is taking place close to Christmas but also because Johannes Kepler calculated that another Great Conjunction took place in 7BC and may have been the Star of Bethlehem.

But this is Not a Christmas Star, this is a Solstice Star
It has nothing to do with Jesus, it is a Mithras star
Which by coincidence is what the Great Conjunction
Of 7BC was also, the Magi were Zoroastrians who were searching for Mithras who was born December 25th, 

This is the Night of Sol Invictus, the rebirth of the Sun, 
Mithras is the super cosmic god who the ancients believed Caused the equinoxes to move backward in the sky

The Great Conjunction is taking place as Saturn is crossing over into Aquarius, many believe that this is the signal
Of the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The end of the age of Pisces, the fish, what the Magi Observed 2000 years ago in their Great Conjunction
What the previous Magi discovered 2000 years before
When the Equinox moved out of Taurus, which is why Mithras is observed killing a bull within a cave of stars.
Saturn is the Mithriac initiation level of the Fathers, the highest elders of the cult, Jupiter is the Lions the strongest and most Powerful initiates, which in sense can be seen as Hadrian the elder and Antinous the lion.
For ourselves, more than for any other observers 
The next important aspect is that the Conjunction is occurring In alignment with Altair, the brightest star of Aquila, 

And with the Constellation of Antinous which makes Antinous part of the event, and if Trajan is Saturn and Hadrian is Jupiter, then Antinous is Ganymede, the Zodiac Into which Saturn is transferring and the next Equinox Age.

Tonight is the Winter Solstice, when the savior gods are born,
Including Mithras, Osiris, Horus, Jesus, and the one to whom Antinous was compared above all others, Dionysus-Bacchus,

The Capricorn god who like the others gave his life to save all mankind from perdition and to make us aware that we are Divine, that we all carry the semen of the first god within us.
The Great Conjunction is a sign from the gods that the world as we know it is about to change and we must embrace it
We must prepare ourselves for the New Era to come
We must awaken to our inner potential to the Homotheosis Power that we all hold within our hearts because the Age of Aquarius is here, we must rise up and overthrow the old and usher in the New Age. This is why Antinous has chosen now to restore his ancient religion, so that we will understand the significance of these signs, which others before or after might not have understood.  We are the chosen people of Antinous
May the blessing of Sol Invictus be with us
May the Power of the Great Conjunction flow through us
May the Blessing of Antinous be with us on this sacred night.

Ave Antinous!

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