As God it is pointed out on the Antinous Obelisk that “He hears the prayers of all those who call out to Him”. The link below is from Antinous The Gay God blog. It is a testimony about Lord Maluk and how Antinous answered his prayer. LORD MALUK is a Saint of Antinous he joined Antinous in August 2012.
Another example shared by a BROTHER IN BRAZIL.
Here are just a few examples of how Antinous answers prayers.
"In ancient times, Antinous was known as a miracle worker. His worshipers prayed to him for MIRACLES oracles, visions and answers to problems in their daily lives."
The Heart of Antinous as GOD is many things but the main thing, I personally believe is that The Heart of Antinous as God is HOMOTHEOSIS "Gay-Man-God-Becoming-the-Same-As-Gay-Man-God."
"Homotheosis is the sacrament of becoming one with Antinous, of not only loving, worshipping and serving His memory, but of opening the petals of our flaming soul, of skin of human body in which we are encased, to the living spirit of Antinous. In order to partake of His divine presence, one must become the same as Antinous, homogenous, consubstantial, and coeternal...in as much as one is able. Even a small trace of Homotheosis is a miraculous and sacred blessing to have within the soul.”
Antonius Subia
I think it is best to sum this up with two quotes. One from Antonius Subia "our belief that Antinous consciousness can change our awareness of the world, and of our inner selves, thereby creating a spirit of bliss and harmony within and without.’
And Hernestus who says “…relating that Antinous resides in Sep Tepy, ‘‘the moment/location of Creation’’ envisioned by the Ancient Egyptians, which he equates with gnosis. According to Hernestus, in this realm ‘‘there are no limits, you are one with the Creator, you are Antinous, you are Homotheosis, Gay-Man-Godliness-Being-the-Same."
The Heart of Antinous as God resides in you and you in HIM.
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