Saturday, July 27, 2019


WE are proud to unveil the exquisite bust of Antinous that graces the primary altar of the first Temple of Antinous in Brazil, a nation which has more followers of Antinous than any other in the world.

This bust of Antinous was consecrated in joyous ceremonies at the TEMPLO DE ANTÍNOO BRASIL in São Paulo.

The temple's high priest, DECO RIBEIRO, conducted the ceremonies during the cycle of the Taurus Third Quarter Moon this week, the lunar phase known as the LUCIUS MOON of brotherhood in Antinous Moon Magic.

Decus Lupercus, his priestly name as sacerdote, said the bust is an exact replica of the famous bust of Antinous-Dionysus in Rio de Janeiro ... the only Antinous sculpture in the Southern Hemisphere and one of only two Antinous sculptures in the Western Hemisphere (photo right). 

Notice the skin of a lion over his shoulder, a reference to the man-eating lion that was hunted by Hadrian and Antinous in Egypt in 130 AD.

The altar bust is a gracious contribution to the Brazilian temple by Lorena Medeiros.

All of the priests around the world unite in congratulating the temple led by Decus Lupercus on this great contribution to the Religion of Antinous! (More photos at the bottom of this entry!)

During the moving ceremonies, Priest Decus recited this hymn of consecration (translated from the original Portuguese):


O beautiful Antinous of Bithynia
You are the greatest and kindest God
You are the God of homosexual love
Your perfect face is the morning star
From the endless skies.
Most beautiful prince of flowers,
Adonis of the lower world,
This Antinoicon is your true and sacred beauty.
This idol is the divine truth of your sacred image.
In the curls of your hair
The whole universe unfolds, your crown is the stars,
The laurels and heralds of distant galaxies
Rest upon your eyes.
You are the spirit of the indomitable youth,
Lotus Flower Antinous... sublime gay Adonis,
River of stars, Shimmering Crown of sacred nights,
We proclaim the divine perfection of your gracious body
You are the divine kalokagathia [the sum of all virtues] of eternal youth
Antinous of the flourishing heart
Breaking in the deepest intimate of our flesh
Covering the whole world with its fragrance.
Antinous of the lower world, immortal excellence,
Radiant, Super-Cosmic, perfect, reflection of Narcissus
Looking at you is contemplating the omnipotent gay power
You are the manifestation of eternal HOMOTHEOSIS,
Our Sacred Flame of homosexual love,
That is the love of the same splendid face
That shines in the heart of every gay man,
As clearly and as brightly as light
Of your eternal and immortal beauty of body and soul
You are the God of beauty,
Your face is full of grace,
We love our idol and we love his singular
Your Divine image of absolute perfection and beauty
Because you truly lived and were loved by Hadrian,
The true beauty of your body is the most sacred miracle.
We are sanctified by the divine perfection of your
By the intersection of your sacred Antinoicon.

Behold... this is the face of Antinous the God!

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