Saturday, May 4, 2019


ANTINOUS arises anew in the 21st Century out of the looted and pillaged ruins of Antinoopolis ... For it is written in the 2nd Century AD in "The Corpus Hermeticum" Capter 24: The time will come when Egypt will appear to have in vain served the Divinity with pious mind and constant worship; and all its holy cult will fall to nothingness and be in vain.

"For that Divinity is now about to hasten back from Earth to Heaven, and Egypt shall be abandoned; and Earth, which was the seat of pious cults, shall be bereft and widowed of the presence of the Gods.

And strangers shall fill this region and this land; and there shall be not only the neglect of pious cults, but ... what is still more painful,... as though enacted by the laws, a penalty shall be decreed against the practice of [our] pious cults and worship of the Gods ... [entire] proscription of them.

"Then shall this holiest land, seat of our shrines and temples, choke on tombs and corpses. Tombs shall far exceed the number of the living; and those surviving remnants shall be Egyptians in their tongue alone, but in their actions they shall be strangers.

"The sorrowful departure of the Gods from men takes place; bad angels only stay, who mingled with humanity will lay their hands on them, and drive the wretched folk to every ill of recklessness ... to wars, and robberies, deceits, and all those things that are opposed to the soul’s nature.

"And when these things all come to pass ... the Last God will recall the Cosmos to its ancient form; so that the World itself shall seem meet to be worshipped and admired.

"For this [Re-] birth of Cosmos is the making new of all good things, and the most holy and most pious bringing-back again of Nature’s self.

"If man can conceive of the God, man shall conceive the Beautiful and Good, transcending Light, made lighter than the Light by the God. That Beauty is beyond compare, inimitable that Good, even as the God is Himself.

"If man seeks for the God, he seeks for the Beautiful. One is the Path that leads unto It ... Devotion joined with Gnosis." 

Image: "Antinous as Aristaeus" - Djordje Ozbolt

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