IN many religions the number seven is sacred ... Christians honor the Seven Archangels on September 29th … but (typically) apocryphal texts and regional denominations can't agree on the lists of seven. The big four are certain: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, but after that things get a bit iffy.
Depending on which "church" is involved the seven may include: Raguel, Sariel, Baracael, Ieadiel, Sealtiel, Peliel, Gamael, Jerahmeel, Izidkiel, Hanael or Kepharel.
Oh and at least one list includes Lucifer, the fallen angel.
In Santeria Las Siete Potencias Africanas (Seven African Powers) are the best known and most powerful Orishas of the Yoruban pantheon. There are endless variations worldwide.
Many Protestants, of course, denounce all mention of angels, potencias or even saints as idolatrous, further confusing the situation for many modern seekers.
The Religion of Antinous has no "angels" (fallen or otherwise) in the Judeo/Islamic/Christian sense.
But the Romans depicted many ascendant souls as having wings and assisting in elevating mortal humans to attain celestial realms.
By sacred synchronicity, we know the names of Seven Ancient Priests of Antinous. They are:
JULIUS FIDUS AQUILA, Epistrategos and Architect of Antinoopolis.
ARISTOTIMOS, Priest of Delphi.
ISIDORUS DIDYMUS, Priest of Alexandria.
NICIAS, Priest of Rome.
PUBLIUS SUFENAS LUPERCUS, Fratriarch and Eunostos, Naples.
MARCUS DOMITIUS EUPHEMUS, Mysteriarch, Bithynion-Claudiopolis
There were many other priests, of course. But alas, their names went unrecorded.
We have no portraits of any of these Seven Ancient Priests. And their mortal appearance is of little importance.
Priest Hernestus wears prayer beads and a bracelet with seven charms and beads representing the Seven Ancient Priests. He prefers to think of them transcending Time and Space ... serving as mediators in modern guise for all of us.
Rather than worshiping mythical angelic beings, we honor these seven human beings of flesh and blood who really lived and who devoted their lives to Antinous.
They were priests of Antinous ... we honor them ... men who lived and breathed and who remind us that angels come in many guises ... angels are all around us in our everyday lives.

They were priests of Antinous ... we honor them ... men who lived and breathed and who remind us that angels come in many guises ... angels are all around us in our everyday lives.
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