Thursday, February 6, 2025


MILLIONS of LGBTIQ people are feeling angry, depressed, isolated, frightened and abandoned in these troubled days.

Remember always that #Antinous holds you in his heart ... Antinous sends gratitude and love to you for all you do and for being you. 

Here are a few survival tips:

- If you are feeling depressed, isolated, scared, remember that you aren't alone. Reach out for support. If you don't know who can support you, send priests of Antinous a message. We are here and can also refer you to other places. 

- Avoid burnout while resisting. Find a sustainable way to resist. Sign a petition, write a letter, go to a demonstration, donate money if you can, reach out and talk to people. Do what you can and remember that this will be a long struggle. Keep yourself strong. 

- Act locally ... do something concrete to help people who are struggling right now. Stay connected to community. 

- Practice self care. Do things that keep you grounded, strong, and healthy.

- Limit consumption of depressing news and posts. Stay informed, but don't overdo it. 

- Remember the beautiful things in life. Don't ignore what is hard. Just remind yourself that there is much beauty and much love in the world. 

Wherever you are, whatever woes beset you, take heart because #Antinous promises that #LoveWins! #LoveAlwaysWins. 

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